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1. BLOOMS V AMERICAN SWISS WATCH COMPANY 1915 AD 100FACTS: After certain property (jewels)had been stolen, a reward was offered to any person giving information which would lead to the of the thieves and the recovery of the property. The appellant and others claimed this rewardfor information given by them.55The court held, on appeal, that the information given by appellant led to the arrest of the thieves and the recovery of the bulk of the stolen property. However, it was found that the appellant had no knowledge of the award prior to the information he gave.ISSUE: Can one entre into a contract without accepting the offer or having prior knowledge about the offer?FINDINGS: (INNES CJ)in order to establish a legal tie between the parties, the information would have to be given in consequence of the advertisement, by a person acting on the faith of the offer, otherwise there wouldn’t be contractual privity.the animus contrahendi on the person giving the information would be missing, thus he would not be the acceptor of the offer because he did not under these circumstances intend to accept anything.(argument) The offer still could have been open for acceptance when the appellant took the information to the police but even thenthe appellant had no intention (perhaps no knowledge) of claiming the reward as he had already parted with his information (pg.104 par 2).Matter must be dismissed with costs.SOLOMON J.A. and DE VILLIERS, A.J.A. concurred with INNES C J.Lack of vinculum juris5between the partiesPerformance must be done animo contrahendi for there to be legally binding obligations.