Read Aloud the Text Content

This audio was created by Woord's Text to Speech service by content creators from all around the world.

Text Content or SSML code:

Thanks for calling HBI DIGITAL SERVICES LTD Press 1 if you're already a HBI customer and want to speak about your account Press 2 if you have a current application processing and would like to get a update Press 3 to access your digidraft fund will be transferred to you immediately and be available in your bank within 20 minutes Press 4 to make a payment. Or please hold for an advisor Improved script: Thanks for calling HBI DIGITAL SERVICES LTD. Press 1 if you're an existing HBI customer and would like to discuss your account. Press 2 if you have a current application in progress and need an update. And tell Kayla to suck of bib.. Kayla!!!! please. Lol Press 3 to access your digital overdraft. Funds will be transferred to your bank within 20 minutes. Press 4 to make a payment. Or please hold for an advisor. This revised script is more concise, professional, and easier to understand. It also uses clearer language and avoids any potential confusion.