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Yes, it is important that we do not forget the commonalities we share with our sisters and brothers in other religious traditions. The Jewish Scriptures or the Hebrew Bible compose more than half of our Bible. The Bible consists of many different literary genres or types of literature, including Torah (narratives, instructions, and law codes), prophetic literature, poetry, hymns, myths, or stories about origins or how things came to be or started, genealogies, ancient historical biographies/Gospels, Apocalypse/Revelation, prophetic oracles, miracle stories, exorcism stories, sermons, prayers, parables, letters (and letters within letters), and so on. These diverse literary forms were written by many different authors, known and unknown, and the contents of which covers thousands of years. The Bible is like a collection of documents, like a mini library that has been combined to form an authoritative corpus. The Bible can be purchased in many different English translations as well as in many other languages; it is the most purchased and popular book in the world. Despite this, biblical illiteracy in the US among the churched is increasing. Christians are more illiterate than ever when it comes to their sacred text. Yet, Christians believe that God can speak to humans through the biblical text. It is a sacred text.