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The water has been tasting funny. Even when I mix it with lemonade or tea, that bad taste comes through. I take another sip and look at the glass with disgust before dumping it down the drain. I can't deal with that right now. I've got enough going on. My job hit a dead end 6 months ago. I know there is no raise, no promotion coming any time soon. My car is basically just a hunk of metal waiting to fall apart. My girlfriend, Renae, and I got into a huge fight a couple days ago. The biggest one we've ever had. I said and did some things I regret, but she just wouldn't let it go. I think working on myself will be good for me. I'll fix each problem l'm dealing with in order of importance. My car first and foremost. Then I'll look online and see if there are any job listings for something better. While l'm on the computer, I'll look up how long it takes for a body to completely dissolve in an apartment complex water tank. Renae is taking forever, and I can't be the only one who can taste her in my lemonade.