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While I am currently on track to getting a degree in Computer Science, that is not the main pipeline through which I will reach my aspirations, simply because, as a Christian, I ought to set my gaze on a much higher sight than an earthly career. In the past year since I gave my life to Christ, my days have been laden with experientially wrought nuggets of profound wisdom that, without a doubt, have strengthened my convictions in my faith and fortified my foundations in ways that will be integral to my journey of fulfilling my God-given purpose. Next to the lively prospects most people my age usually possess, that may not seem to be a height worth reaching for, especially in contrast with possibilities like perhaps gaining expertise at a prestigious internship, which leads you to start a tech company that brings about a revolution in the industry, but as a follower of Christ what constitutes a truly valuable learning experience in my eyes is one that leads me to grow in my intimate knowledge of him that I may be conformed to that image which he has called me out of darkness to become in his light. Ever since I accepted the gift of salvation and gave my life to Christ, I've been privileged to have access to my long-time Christian Father as a spiritual mentor, along with the opportunity to learn about the invaluable yet scarcely taught deeper aspects concerning my faith from faithful ministers. While these priceless resources have greatly enabled my expedited spiritual growth to my current stature from my infancy in Christ, there are practical aspects of walking with the LORD that one can only learn to navigate and truly imbibe through experience. These experiences and the principles I have learned will create in me the patience and longsuffering I will need to achieve the only aspiration that matters, which is to fulfill the call of God on my life. Because of the nature of this goal, it is hard to predict the details of exactly where I will be in ten years; however, I can illustrate how in that time, the learning and growth experiences I have will bring me to the point of spiritual maturity that will ensure I have enough substance to become what I have been called unto, regardless of its exact nature. My "studies" to help pave the way to this goal will not be a singular degree track, but instead, simply the circumstances of my life that work together to produce significant outcomes crystallized into nuggets of wisdom and life management skills that will guide me in the future- and here is an example to illustrate the concept of how the school of the life of faith slowly molds me into a man of the spirit. To accept my need for salvation in the first place, I had to come to the humbling realization of my inability to measure up to God's standard of goodness by any power of my own and rely on him to forgive me and, by his grace, make me righteous. However, I still had a problem in many areas in that I retained the prideful idea that I was capable as is, and it took many vain efforts to teach me that as with all things in life, it takes consistent intentionality to truly rely on him in everything I do. When I trusted in my human instinct, I naturally wanted to avoid putting in the effort needed on my part to grow spiritually and also ended up neglecting areas of my life and relationships, thinking I could get away with living in such a lazy and self-serving way while also getting closer to my goals. But the reality that the grievous consequences of indiscipline both in my spiritual and secular life have impressed deeply on my soul is that devotion requires the humility and foresight to die to the part of myself that desires ease and, in turn, discipline myself by sacrificing my immediate pleasure in order to build myself up in all facets of my life with the help of God. Through the repeated trials and tests such as this set in my path as I strive by his grace to walk after him, I will, without a doubt, emerge from the fire of life as severally tried gold, made fit to bear the weight of his purpose for me, and whatever it may, it shall be for his glory alone.