Read Aloud the Text Content
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Text Content or SSML code:
Admonish to reprove mildly and kindly, but seriously; to caution or warn; to urge Adroit Clever; skillful; expert Affront A deliberate public insult; to insult openly; to offend Allay to lessen fear; to calm; to relieve pain Amorphous Shapeless; of no particular form or type ; not organized Anarchy the absence of government or law; political disorder Antipathy a strong dislike; an aversion Antipodes any two places at directly opposite points on the earth; two opposite things Apostasy a complete forsaking of what one has believed in Artifice a skill; a clever device; an artful trick ascetic a person who practices unusual self denial or discipline. often for religious reasons. ascribe to assign to some cause , to attribute, to thing of as belonging to someone aspersion a damaging, false report, slander, a slur, the act of slandering, or defaming someone. assiduous careful and attentive, persevering assimilate to absorb and incorporate food or knowledge, to make similar atrophy a wasting away of a part of parts of the body, any wasting away, to waste away to wither augury the practice of telling the future by signs and omens, an omen or sign auspices approval and support, patronage austerity severe simplicity, severity of appearance, attitude, or manner, harsh self discipline, tightened economy avarice to great a desire for money and property