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Chapter Text When Usopp first screamed ship they'd been asleep. Questions on who was on watch arose, unearthing the unfortunate discovery they'd forgotten to assign anyone. Lately Zoro had been volunteering for double watches to train through the night, so their initial rota had been tossed. It was only Usopp randomly waking for a piss that meant they’d noticed at all. "Damn Marimo." Sanji cursed, forgoing socks to shove bare feet into his shoes. "Something to say, Curly?" Zoro had turned from pulling on his trousers, one eye narrowed in his direction. Sanji kept his eyes above board, distracting himself by judging the state of Zoro’s filthy Hammock. He had weights next to his pillow. "Just get out there idiot." They were already caught off guard, plus he wanted to get at least another hour of sleep. Zoro grunted. Swords clicking into place as he strode outside. The rest of the boys had left already, excited about the budding fight while not caring as much about looking presentable. Sanji sighed, picking up his blazer before moving out. It couldn’t be earlier than around 4 he decided as he slid his arms through the sleeves. Brief hints of sunlight were breaking through thick black clouds. He reached into his inside pocket to drag out his smokes. Nami emerged from the ladies dorm, hurrying over. Her eyes were barely open, thin slithers of brown. "The back." She mumbled rubbing her face Fluent in Nami he followed her to the rear of the ship to discover the rest of their crew. There was a surprising amount of space back here, not quite enough to maneuver comfortably without risking harm to Robin’s plants, but they’d move back to the main deck if it became necessary. The flower buds were closed in their boxes behind, seemingly as asleep as most of them felt. Sparking his lighter he inhaled his first cigarette of the day, taking a long draw as he looked up. "Wooh that's a big snail." Usopp stated. Snail? He began coughing. Smoke congealing in his throat. Ice crept threw his lungs, freezing his breath to his chest. It was like being struck by Aokiji all over again. His body shook as his feet stepped back. Only in dark hopeless nightmares had he expected to see this ship again and even then he’d rationalized it as impossible. His family had no reason to look for him, he wasn’t valuable to them. Safe in his worthlessness. The night blocked all but the white of the snail’s eyes and the top sheen of castle walls, creeping closer towards them. Sanji could feel Robin observing him but he didn’t care about subtlty. "We need to go." His mouth felt disconnected, numb. He couldn't be sure his words weren’t illegible. The crew turned. Luffy’s head tilted to watch Sanji in confusion. "Sanji-" "NOW! Franky, coup de burst!" "Cook-san, you're very pale" Robin's light voice entered the thick cloud of his head. His eyes snapped to her, taking in the awful vision of the ship enlarging behind her head. "Now! Please listen to me, we need to get out of these waters." He ordered "Don't shit yourself, whoever it is won’t be an issue." Zoro assured, leaning back against the railing. His precious back was completely exposed. He was aware of Zoro’s Haki but was suddenly infatuated by the reality that they could shoot him dead from behind. Escalating panic, the collapsed bloody bodies of his crew, his real family, rotated his thoughts. They’d be dead due to him. “Trust me." He pleaded. Chopper nudged his hand, he looked down. Oh, he'd dropped his cigarette, cherry tip illuminating the black gloss of his shoes. He sent a quick prayer in thanks to Sunny’s damp deck; he hadn’t burned down their only home. Chopper, always the first to lecture him on smoking, carefully picked it up, reaching to pass it back. He took it gently, dissolving the ash onto the sole of his shoe; for once he was unable to focus with it lit. "Sanji, who are these people?" Robin asked. Nami leaned in, watching him carefully. He opened his mouth fruitlessly, lips connecting again. An iron lock enclosed his tongue. He gave in to his childish urge to deflect, it wasn’t too late. "We don't have time, Luffy please believe me." He allowed his shaking knees to drop to the floor, lowering his forehead till it pressed deep into the damp wood. "Luffy, I beg you to listen." "Fucking get up-" Zoro’s voice cut off. Sanji couldn't see why when all he could hear was his own heart reverberating his ribs. With each second Sanji felt the hull approaching, the clock ticking down. His teeth ground together. "Franky, set a coup de burst." Luffy’s voice finally rang out. Sanji’s body collapsed, arms sprawling across the deck, hope filtering in. "On it, don't worry bro, you can tell us later." Franky said, his big footsteps echoing away. Large hands gripped him, fingers worming under each arm, before his body was violently lifted up into the air to force him to stand. Thin strands of his hair flopped, covering both eyes. Warmth seeped in from the hard chest pressed up his back. Turning, he made out green. “Get up, You look stupid.” Zoro huffed, breath brushing his ear. "Get off me." He cursed, flicking his head to get his hair out of his eyes. He found himself unwillingly calmed by Zoro. However much he pissed him off, he’d reluctantly admit that the man carried a soothing quality, this was mostly due to his dependability, they all trusted him. Maybe this would turn out okay he thought. The ship jolted, floor shuddering under their feet. Nami met Sanji’s eyes, just before the deck tilted downwards. "what's happening!?" Usopp shouted, arms barely hanging onto the balcony. He’d been lucky to not go overboard, Sanji thought, while Zoro's arms squeezed around his waist. He squinted through the morning light. Two metal hooks had embedded into the main deck, thin moonlight caressing their sides. They were both connected to long wires leading back to the other ship. They were being dragged. “Nooo!” he hissed, they had to remove them and fast! He turned to Zoro. He could trust him to do this. “Marimo, cut that wire!” Zoro began speaking, but Sanji didn’t stay to argue, sprinting down the stairs. He ran to the wire furthest away, taking a deep breath to gather his strength, He’d kick through it. Doubt poisoned his heart at the strange material, it was textured like a pineapple with groves wrapping its circumference. His leg rose, as a presence leapt behind. “Brother.” That voice. His leg fell slowly back to the floor, mirroring his heart dropping through his chest. They were too late. A thunderclap ripped through the boat. He looked left, witnessing lightning rocket through Niji, Nami's staff held high. He felt dread, his brother was unharmed as expected. She just had to fight the one that was immune. It was a bad match up. they needed to switch partners quickly. Pivoting on his foot he faced his demons. He tried to disguise his reaction at the sight of Yonji, smoothing down his face to cover the horror revolving behind his skin. His own screaming played in his ears. Yonji's young, sick grin was so vivid behind his eyes that it almost matched the older version he held now. He felt ill. Useless. Weak. Yonji had only gotten taller and stronger. Hoards of uniformed men were descending, running across the wire stretched between the two ships. Chopper’s childish cry reared up, his form lost within the hoard. He had to finish this. He drew strength, reminding himself that he wasn’t a child anymore, not like the last time. Ignoring whatever nonsense was coming from Yonji’s mouth, he acted first, smashing up with his foot. He felt the skin dent, concaving. He blinked in wonder, recalling his leg to his chest. He’d actually managed to damage his brother. His trauma had fueled them to God-like status, but he realised as his brother flinched back that they were as fallible as any of their other enemies. “You bastard,” Yonji spat, his frown strange on his now triangle shaped head. He was fast, just as fast as Sanji remembered. His fist flew. He dodged. Haki flaring despite his scattered thoughts. Another fist came close, the air whipping around it. ”look, we can talk, you always used to want that,” Yonji drawled, pulling his arm back. “This can all end painlessly.” Yonji would only take one more hit, retribution for every bloody fight, his murdered pride, for the first time in his life he could defeat his brother. If only a feminine scream hadn’t ripped through the air. Nami. He twisted, not protecting himself from a bullet-like punch. He crouched over, tensing way too late to protect himself. In his peripheral Nami skidded across the deck. He couldn’t afford to waste time “Call them off and we’ll talk.” He shouted, breathing through the pain. Wind blew his hair from his eyes, exposing the eyebrows that connected them all. Yonji smiled, “Enough!” They must have some sort of ear piece, at the sound of Yonji’s voice his brothers and the uniformed men all stepped backwards. Sanji frantically looked around. Luffy had thankfully been up against Ichji. The rest were just fighting the soldiers. By the number of uniformed bodies sprawled out across the deck they’d been doing fine. Sweat gathered under his arms. There was no sign of Reju or his father but both were much cleverer, and therefore a bigger threat. Where were they hiding? “Now, come to the kitchen.” He demanded. He wanted to do this on his terms, retain some semblance of control. “You're still doing that? I thought it was a joke when I heard you’d been cooking for pirates.” Yonji cried, crossing his arms. His dented head reverted back to normal, with a metallic pop. “Sanji, are they your family?” Nami’s voice came from behind. He turned, unprepared to see her beautiful face a violent red up one side. He’d get revenge, he decided, teeth grinding together. “We are quadruplets.” He answered quietly. “I thought he was you when I saw him.” Usopp chimed in. Sanji looked properly at Yonji. Details were blurred in the dark, but he assured himself that his chin was squarer. He did not want issues seeing Yonji in the mirror, he actually liked the way he looked. Zoro was here, staring between the three brothers with his eyebrows pinched together. The rest were also moving. forming an uncomfortable semi-circle. Everyone was fine Sanji assessed, fingers crawling back into his pocket for his smokes. Well, Usopp was limping, but knowing Usopp he’d probably tripped himself. He lit one quickly, the spark glowing in the faint light. “Woooh Sanji, your brother has green hair, is Zoro also your brother?” Luffy sprung forwards, getting real close to a disturbed Yonji. Sanji wheezed, uncomfortably meeting Zoro's one eye, before they both looked away. God, he hoped not. “Shut up Luffy.” He hissed, tightly gripping his shoulder to push him behind. He was awkwardly close to Yonji now, but so long as Luffy stayed further away he’d endure. Of course Luffy popped out, coming again to his right. “They talk to you like that,” Yonji looked disgusted, as if Luffy was some kind of mutant insect. “You let him address you like a commoner?” Sanji huffed, throat tightening. He’d never wanted this part of his life to mix. He prayed on his last grain of luck he could somehow come out of this without his crew finding out. All sand to the wind, Yonji continued, big sick smile painting itself. “You should address him as Vinsmoke Sanji, Prince of Germa.” Yonji had always enjoyed conflict. He was the least violent of the siblings but he’d caused the most violence, rearing up the brothers with lies and taunts. “PRINCE!?” Nami and Usoppp cried. “Germa?” Robin murmured. “No, Yonji your forgetting our father disowned him, he’s forbidden to use that name.” Niji helpfully added “Oh, I forgot Niji.” Yonji beamed. Sanji cringed, he had to separate them “Tea, NOW.” He pointed towards the galley, feet echoing as he tapped the tip of his shoe onto the deck. Choppers hooves clopped forwards “Germa only.” Sanji stated. Chopper’s hurt face swung up. “Already abandoning us for your real family cook?” Zoro asked. He probably meant it as a jibe, they’d long taken any real cruelty out of their insults, but this he couldn’t bear, even the suggestion of leaving them for these scum. “You are my real family.” He responded quickly, spinning to look at each of them. He always hoped they felt the same. He struggled to meet Zoro’s eyes, feeling weirdly vulnerable; they'd probably never exchanged these sentiments before. Gross. “Hah, you’d choose lowly commoners. Good riddance. You know, we thought you’d finally died, we used to play a little game didn’t we?” Yonji stated, looking around at his brothers. “We did.” Ichji added. God, Sanji had forgotten how soft-spoken he was. It was eerie, in complete contrast to his sadistic grin. “We’d imagine how it happened.” Yonji continued “I thought you’d drowned.” Niji said “I used to think you killed yourself.” Ichiji said Sanji didn’t respond, it hurt less than expected. Only on his very very optimistic days had he entertained the idea that his brothers would have changed since childhood. But the way his nakama were looking at him was different. They were finally seeing what a failure he was. “How can you-” Nami was angry, striding forward. Oh no. “What do you want?!” He cried, forcing direct eye contact with Niji, he still appeared to be the decision maker of the trio. Nothing had changed from childhood. The large smile filled Sanji with dread. Was he playing into their hands? “You're a dirty pirate now, so you’ve probably heard of Big Mom,” Yes, they’d heard of her, fairly recently too. That was the lady they’d pissed off on fish-man island. The emperor. “She’s made an alliance with Germa, and to solidify this great alliance they’ve each offered a child to be wed.” Huh? “That's you, you're going to marry Big Mom's daughters.” Yonji supplied. Sanji's brain chugged to a stop. “Hold on-.” Frankey started “Marriage, Sanji cmon this is ridiculous!” Nami cried, cutting him off, she looked disgusted. “We can take them Sanji.” Luffy grinned, inching forwards, his shoulder brushing Sanji’s. He could feel warmth. Of all the things to make him do. Marriage. Despite his clear romantic nature he’d never honestly considered marriage, to be honest he was kind of jaded with the whole process. His parents were married and it certainly had never made his mother happy, it had probably killed her, being with Judge. He hadn’t thought about this in a long time. His repressed memories burned as they played in his mind, tipped with razor wire. To obey his family, even if they were offering a map to the all blue, by principle he would die before he accepted. “I am not a Vinsmoke, therefore I can’t and won’t play a part in this” Sanji said clearly. His whole body felt tense. Even beaten bloody he’d stood up to them, but it was instinctual, any resistance would be met with pain. He leant into Zoro, hoping the action was minute enough to not be noticed. “Yes, usually Vinsmokes are strong, but our father said he’d allow you to call yourself one despite being a failure, if only you agree.” Niji said Yonji cut him off as he opened his mouth. “Think Sanji, you could come home, be a prince again, think of all the money and the servants, and,” His sentence ran off into silence. Was he out of ideas? finally realised the life Sanji had lived as a Vinsmoke, oh he’d thought of something, face lighting up “The rats, you loved those rats! You were always feeding them, despite dad beating you every time he found out, even in that dungeon, yes Nijji you remember, he fed half his food to them, even when they starved him.” “I suppose that's what you guys are now, the rats being fed by the prince.” Niji quipped, turning to address Sanji’s stunned crew. “Very poetic.” Robin said, wondering at the brothers' psychosis. “You starved him?” He flinched. Luffy’s anger burned through his words, black eyes narrowed into slits. Sanji recognised that look. “Luffy, It's nothing.” It literally was, compared to what he went through afterwards, ship wrecked on that rock, the partial meals served as a captive were a banquet. “Hah, no it wasn’t, you never stopped crying.” Yonji laughed. Oh God. His cheeks were burning. He could no longer meet his crew’s eye. He hadn’t been able to stop them finding out what sort of life he’d led before. How weak he really was, he hadn’t been strong, couldn’t provide a purpose. A thought he desperately tried to fight was the concept that they would abandon him too, now they knew he was useless. “Why can’t you do it if you want this alliance so bad!” Chopper cried, breaking through his dense thoughts. The brothers looked at each other. Yonjis face scrunched in annoyance. “I already said I wished it were me, Sanji this woman is- wait hold on” Yonji reached into his trouser pocket, drawing out a folded picture. Sanji squinted through the night. The woman was posed looking behind her shoulder, he could just make out wide brown eyes matching her fluffy looking hair, or it could be red hair, he really couldn’t tell in the dim light. His heart beat in his chest for a different reason, body shaking slightly. WOW. “She’s way too good for you, right?” Yonji continued stroking the woman's face through the picture. Niji turned to Yonji. “And we said that you’d be dead or worse, marrying into that family.” He then faced Sanji “Germa needs its warriors, Father can't afford to make us hostages but you’re useless anyway.” What was the right decision here? Saying yes could save his crew, get his family far away from them, but he didn’t think he could survive that, being alone again. His ribs felt like they were compacting, crushing together. He gave a glance to Luffy, hoping he’d show some rare act of intelligence. Luffy stared back, all fury. Sanji opened and closed his mouth. Robin was looking intently at him, and as he met her eyes, she frowned shaking her head. Her eyes flicked to the brothers before repeating the gesture. Worry etched through the lines in her face, lips pulling down. De-ja vu clawed up. Robin’s defeated expression. They’d dealt with this before. The hurt he’d felt when Robin decided to sacrifice herself instead of trusting them. They were Nakama. “I’ve made my decision, it's a no” He spoke quickly, weary of being interrupted. “Judge may have disowned me, but I also disowned him and all of you. I’ve found my real Father, and this crew is my real family.” He finished, bracing himself. He snuck a glance at Luffy who was nodding, finally wearing his signature grin. Thank god. He hadn’t gone against his captain. Yonji let out a deep chuckle. “Hah, you think you have a choice.” Ichiji stated, his calm voice ringing out across the deck. Suddenly a thudding echoed, over the hoards of uniformed men, the top of a head strode closer. As the moonlight touched the sides of his face, Sanji's nightmares collided with reality. Judge Vinsmoke was now standing in front of him. “There he is, my utter waste of space and air.” His voice was different than in his dreams, he supposed when you imagine someone enough they become distorted from their origins. He hadn’t physically changed. Even though Sanji had grown tall, the man still appeared giant. Sanji refused to greet him, taking a big drag to blow smoke in his direction. Judge’s eyebrow twitched behind his mask, boots taking a large step closer. “So you won’t obey?” Judge boomed, “then we shall take you.” He refused to be cowed, tucking his hands in his pockets, to tap his foot on the floor “You’ll have to kill me.” He responded around his cigarette, staring Judge straight into his eyes. “Yes, I agree,” Judge boomed. “I couldn’t bring myself to kill you when you were younger, but I believe my resolve may have strengthened.” Sanji couldn’t help gasping a little at the reminder, his own father expressing that desire to him, when all he’d ever hoped for was love. “However, I will give you one chance.” “Kill him!” Yonji cried from the sides, laughing into his hands. Judge reached into his belt drawing out a thick sword. He threw it. Silver flew, embedding itself into the deck just in front of where his foot had been. “Pick it up,” He swallowed. He could feel the hilt in his hands, the callus it used to leave. How long had it been? “I don’t fight with my hands.” He responded, nudging the sword with his foot. At the slight pressure it didn’t move, wedged in. He could kick it up with his foot, he’d done it before. it could be embedded within Judge’s head before he finished speaking. But he wasn’t a Vinsmoke, despite their DNA poisoning his veins. He fought fair. Besides, murdering his birth family had never been his plan, if he could get out of this without that on his conscious he'd be happy. Maybe just light maiming. “You don’t sword fight?” Judge questioned, aghast. Sanji’s expression didn’t change, answering him with silence. “All those hours of wasted training, you gave up the only thing you had any margin of skill in?!” Ignoring Judge, he caught Zoro's grinning stare. Oh no. He narrowed his eyes back. There would never be a swordsman Sanji. Not happening. “A chef does not use their hands to fight.” He returned looking back to his birth father. “A chef!” Judge boomed. “Royalty is supposed to be served, not serve. I made it clear you were to abandon these sick notions when you were a child. Maybe you don’t deserve a second chance. How will I rule, command respect, with a son of mine a cook for pirates, ridiculous.” Sanji billowed smoke in response. Another slightly curved sword was drawn forwards, hairy fingers tight around the golden hilt. Sanji couldn’t delay this fight much longer, why hadn’t he realised it was inevitable that he’d have to face this. His ribs were constricting, squeezing the breath from his lungs. He’d been so stupid. He eyed his father, right leg stretching behind. He would go down fighting. Maybe, this would be it, maybe he’d die here, but he refused to regret every action he’d taken since leaving them. He’d rather die free than live caged. Going back wasn’t an option. He crouched, hardening his glare, he’d give it his all. Black hair swept by. Suddenly Robin was stood between them. “Cook-san is already married.” She declared clearly, arms stretched to protect him from his fathers view. Huh, he could see her mouth reopening, ready for her next sentence. He looked on in horror, please don’t tell him she was going to offer herself, inform his family that they were married? He couldn’t do that, put her in line for ridicule and violence from HIS family. The timer ran down, it was too late to undo this and despite the threat to his crew he supposed he could see this plan working. It could be the only way to resolve this peacefully. His body began to shake. He couldn’t put Robin in that position, nor could he substitute Nami. They were strong, stronger than him in lots of ways but he couldn’t bring them into this. If something happened to them because of this he’d never recover. He knew he had a harmful view of women but today was not the day to concur it. Well shit a man? This wasn’t the west blue. Men did marry here. Thoughts moving faster than ever before, he scouted his new husband. Franky was certainly strong, however Germa specialised in technology; He’d be too vulnerable, they’d take him apart and put him back together in their favour. He wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t already have weapons designed for cyborgs. Luffy? God no. Too stupid to pass this off. Chopper, too much of a deer. Usopp, too cowardly, he’d already shuffled to the back of the group, far away from the Vinsmoke’s notice. Brook, too dead. “I’m married to Roronoa Zoro.'' The words came from him, but it didn’t feel like he’d said them, foreign in his mouth. “Huh.” Zoro’s one eye was wide, mouth open in a stupid expression. His foot bent back to kick him. Maybe Usopp was the better choice, at least he could lie. The Marimo was almost as dumb as Luffy. Come on, he pleaded telepathically staring right. Zoro just needed to nod and look like he tolerated him, a monkey could do it. “This man?” Yonji laughed, leaning in to inspect him. With slight relief Sanji noticed the differences in their hair shades with them close together like this, Zoro’s being much lighter. He clearly didn’t appreciate Yonji laughing into his face. Lips pulled back from his teeth like an angry dog. “But Sanji isn’t-” Luffy's voice chimed in. They all swivelled in horror. A hand grew from his cheek, bending to cover his mouth.Thank God for Robin, although Luffy was wiggling, his rubber body stretching to avoid the hands. A mouth erupted in front of his ear moving minutely. They all released a collective breath. “That is disgusting.” Yonji sneered. “If this is some kind of ploy-” Judge boomed, breaking through the brief distraction. “It isn’t.” Sanji insisted, heart racing as he forced his face into something earnest “You can’t marry off my husband.” Sanji’s eyes snapped right, not in his wildest, alcohol-fused concussion-ridden dreams had he expected Zoro to ever say that sentence. He was standing firm now, one hand wrapped around Wado ichimonji. “You married a common swordsman?” Nichi taunted. Common swordsman?! This is the man who will beat Mihawk. His hackles rose. This had happened before, this biting urge to correct. Despite borderline hating Zoro at times, he could never criticise his strength. They didn’t know, they had no clue the will he possessed. They seemed to believe their ruse, or at least not outright reject it. Time to sweeten the deal. He could do this. He’d always excelled at deception. “We married last month, our marriage papers were sent to Marie Jois.” He stated. Marie jois kept a record of all the official marriages, even pirates, although not many made it that official. Pirate spouses would often be used by the government to lure their lover to their doom, making it a foolish thing to do, but maybe his father would believe they were mad enough in love to send their weakness to their enemy. He wormed his hand into Zoro’s. Warm but dry, thick calluses rubbed his smoother hands. Zoro was stiff next to him, so he squeezed hard, feeling strong bones underneath. He would not be shaken off. Slightly touch starved, his brain hummed, swirls of delight at the contact with another human, despite the origin of the hand belonging to the shitty Marimo. “Hah, you really are a failure,” Niji stated. “You could have had a princess, Father, didn’t we nearly marry him to that one in Alabasta?” “Vivi?” He could just hear Nami murmur. His thoughts blanked, he could have been married to Vivi? “Cobra would never have let her daughter marry Sanji.” Nami interrupted. Sanji’s face dropped, slightly stung, Nami noticed, expression softening. “ No offence Sanji, I just mean he didn’t seem the type to sell his daughter.” “We had the papers and everything, he was begging us, so desperate to save his worthless country.” Yonji smirked. The original five fumed, Vivi had meant alot to them, she was practically crew, to hear she was almost sold as a bargaining chip was disheartening, even if Sanji never would have gone through with it anyway. Thank god for Luffy. “And what's to stop me ripping your husband apart, hmm,” Judge boomed. “A corpse would invalidate the marriage.” Sanji slid his foot back, releasing Zoro’s hand. He felt tense again, breath coming faster. Robin's plan did have an obvious bloody loophole. Well, that's why he’d chosen Zoro as his beloved, he told himself, as the man was a tank. Judge was yet to move. He sneaked a glance right. Zoro was leaning back smirking, his hands were sword free. “Well, get on with it then.” He taunted. His biceps bulged as his arms crossed, muscles pushing out obscenely. His fathers eyes were narrowed, but in contrast he didn’t look prepared to fight. Sanji followed his flickering eyes to Luffy and Robin. He smirked, so his father was aware of the proficiency of the straw hats. He could trust his crew. They were all prepared to die for their nakama. He rested his foot down leaning back onto his hip. Judge wouldn’t fight them like this, not as one. Judge should have just continued the surprise assault from earlier. Now, they were too threatening all together like this. The sun was starting to break through. He could feel warmth across his cheeks, as sunbeams hit the deck. Standing beside his fathers hulking figure the light hit the men his brothers had become. Overwhelmingly confused, he didn’t know how he was supposed to feel. Crazily enough, he even felt sorry for them, never able to grow or develop, controlled by their father with their emotions ripped out. They weren't capable of friendship, love or even a dream. Just a weapon. His heart ached, feeling like he was being tugged in half, the bitter child who they had nearly beaten to death screamed for retribution, while his rationality cried for them. For the first time, he was thankful for his normality, he was living the life they never could. He felt dumb. It was so obvious all along, that he’d been the lucky brother. “Enough, this was fruitless, I can’t be in your presence any longer,” Judge boomed, turning. Sanji’s chest loosened. “Vinsmoke Zoro, hmm.” Yonji said to Ichiji who laughed looking between them. He clenched up, Judge had stopped, looking back at Zoro. “This scum will not bare my name.” As if he’d burden anyone with that. “Hah, I’ve always done as you asked,” his heart ached at the old wound. “I’ve never used the name Vinsmoke,” “So, Roronoa Sanji-” Judge stated, Sanji blinked, Roronoa Sanji? Why did it not sound completely awful? It should have sounded strange, too thick on the tongue, but for some reason it sounded okay, nice even. “I’ll have the posters updated, if this isn’t all some fable,” Judge said, lips pulling up. Well fuck, this was gonna have long term consequences. He felt the blood drain from his face at the thought of his real dad getting the latest bounty poster bearing the name Roronoa Sanji. “If I find out you’ve lied to me, this crew, your ship, will meet its doom. Maybe I’ll keep you alive, since you like cooking so much I can get you a nice place in Impel Down. I’ve heard Megellan always need's cooks since he kills them so often.” “Always nice to see you, Dad.” “RETURN!” Judge bellowed. As if possessing a hive mind, All of Germa moved rapidly, propelling themselves across the wire back to their ship. Judges' large figure strode off. The brothers didn’t look back, disappearing before he had long enough to decide if he hated them or not. This had not gone as expected. No one had died for one, his crew were safe, the Vinsmokes were unharmed. Robin had saved everything. “Thank you.” He said, forcing himself to meet her eyes, struggling to stop his from watering. His neck ached to curve, watch the floor and pretend he didn’t exist for a while. “I am happy you are safe” She returned, hands gripped him, it took a second to realise it was her real hands for once. She was hugging him, warmth pressing across his front. He took a deep shuddering breath. Gritting his teeth, he twitched, causing his hair to provide a solid curtain to bury his face into her neck. “Sanji, what the fuck,” Nami’s voice cried. A small fist hit his back, he pulled back, stepping out of Robin’s arms “Where did they come from!?” He stayed quiet, it was instinct, he’d never wanted to talk about this. But they were all interested, the entire crew gathering round “I didn’t know they were in these waters.” He finally explained. “You owe us answers,” Nami declared, eyes glistening, was she crying? Sanji thought aghast. “why didn’t you tell us!?” He sighed, running his hands down his face. “I believed I was free.” “You made us think Zeff was your dad,” she accused, slapping his arm, though it didn’t have the same deadly force as usual. “Why did they want to hurt you?” “Zeff is my dad!” He snapped. Getting his breath, he realised how harsh that had come out, he was never usually so abrasive with her “I’m sorry my sweet.” He was unsure if he could speak again, words thickening in his mouth. “I-” They were gathered round blocking out the sight of the retreating snail. “I never even told Zeff,” he took a long breath, rolling the cigarette around with his tongue. “I will say this once, then we shall not speak of it again.” He waited for some agreement but they were all silent, so he began regardless. “Germa used to rule the north blue. My father, wanting to regain his land invested highly in technology, he used this to..create children, he wanted us to be super soldiers, our skin would be bulletproof, we’d be strong, fast and most of all we’d have no emotions.” He could feel Luffy about to ask a question but cut him by continuing. He wanted this all out in one. “But when we were born, I was born normal.” He struggled to say this, that word repeated often by the scientists on his fathers payroll. “My brothers, not having emotions, were cruel. We were made to train together, while swords would bounce off their skin, mine teared,” his hands were running across his arms, remembering the constant blood covering them. “Eventually I was branded a failure, so Judge announced to Germa that I had died and I was locked in the dungeons.” He took a breath although it came out like a gasp. He patted his pocket, struggling to remove his cigarette packet, thankful he was almost through his story. Hair fell over his eyes as he looked down at his cigarettes. He didn’t want to light them, he just wanted them gripped tight in his hands. “I had this mask they forced me to wear-” His eyes went wide, he hadn’t meant to say that, lost in the humiliation, it had slipped out. “My sister Reju released me when our ships crossed into the east blue, so I ran away.” There, that was that. A warm hand landed on his back. He flinched. Franky was crouched next to him. He tried a weak smile but struggled to keep the expression on his face. “SANJIII” Chopper burst out, sobbing, his little hooves ran forwards till he climbed up Sanji's lap. “Sanjiii, I’m so sorry you went through that” “Are you okay being referred to as that Cook-san?” Robin asked quietly “Huh.” He questioned, rubbing his hands up Chopper's soft fur. “Your names all seem to be codes.” She said. “I apologise for bringing it up, but maybe you have something you are more comfortable being called” “Oh, no. God no, I’ve been Sanji all my life. It may have started out as just a number, but it's fine, it's good.” He assured, he had never considered changing his name, he hadn’t associated it with Judge, holding too many lovely memories of his mothers soft voice, no he’d never change his name. Nami looked confused, mumbling his sibling’s names under her breath, he bit down the urge to tell her to stop, disliking hearing their names again so soon. “May I get you some tea?” Brook asked, leaning over. He towered from above, drawing attention to his slumped form. “No, I’ve been idle too long, what can I get everybody? It's near morning, would anybody like breakfast?” “Breakfasttttttttttttt” Luffy cried launching a fist into the air “Great-” “Sanji, sit down!” Nami spoke at the same time as him. They met eyes. “If anyone wants breakfast I’ll make it for a small fee, Sanji go rest.” Nami continued, hands on her hips. If it was anyone else keeping him from his precious kitchen, they’d be kicked across the deck. “Please, it would relax me to cook.” He said, pushing Chopper off of his lap to stand. Aware he couldn’t reason or fight Nami, he walked off before she could stop him, ignoring her angry calls of “Sanji!” The normality of cooking helped him refocus. Anxiety and a crippling desire to fall to the floor clung, but he breathed through it. Sure with time, it would all get easier again. His crew hadn’t left him alone, finding dumb excuses to linger. He wasn’t sure he made the best company right now, but he tried to keep a smile on. He called for breakfast. Time seemed to jump. He barely remembered the taste of anything. He was grateful when the last crew member finished and left. Allowing his face to fall, he began washing dishes. “You would choose me, huh.” Zoro said next to his ear. He flinched, he’d heard him leave. “You should wear a bell,” he huffed, upset at himself for not noticing Zoro “What are you talking about?” He shook the plate, not in the mood for whatever this was. “Out of everyone on this ship, even your precious ladies, you’d marry me?” Zoro beamed, this was a rare expression, it reminded him of a simpler time when Zoro let loose more. He’d hadn’t seen him be so emotionally open since before Thriller bark. Although he disliked being the cause, and the entire implication. “Wow, I didn’t know you felt that way about me, Cook.” “Give over,” he huffed, turning further away. His shirt collar stuck to the building sweat on his neck. “You were the best option.” “The best, huh.” Zoro crooned, leaning with his elbow against the worktop He exploded, just as Zoro intended. “You think I’d put Robin or Nami up to fight my-” Labels floated around his head. “-The fuckers!” Zoro knodded, seemingly agreeing, Sanji let out a breath, it seemed like the teasing was over. “It was a bit of a let down, I wanted to fight.” His heart jumped. He knew Zoro didn’t mean for him, but in this context having someone who would... Whatever. There was ammunition here, he deserved some payback, he wondered if Zoro’s skin could blush. “I’m thrilled you’ll fight for my honour, baby.” He looked up, sliding minutely closer. Zoro blinked. Sanji waited, excited for a reaction. Instead Zoro smiled, cheeks only the slightest pink. Was he leaning in? He was! “I’ll always protect you” He said in a deeper voice than usual. This little shit!! Sanji fumed, unable to hide his embarrassment. What was he playing at!? “You bastard!” Sanji felt like he was losing their game. His face felt like it was burning “Fuck off, get out of my kitchen” He pointed to the door. Wondering when Zoro had found a sense of humour. Zoro smiled. “Of course, dear husband.” Sanji's cheeks were volcano hot now, he was never going to get used to that term applying to him. His brain began whirring again. “Wait,” Sanji said, before Zoro had taken more than a step. “There is something else.” Zoro's eyebrow raised in lieu of answering “I’m sorry Zoro, the- ugh- posters, I didn’t know that would happen.” “Have it, I mean if you want my surname take it.” Sanji blinked, That was an option?! Emotions overflowed from his pores, limbs vibrating. He could have a surname again, someone had judged him worthy to carry their name. Something his family had ripped from him, he could have back. “I would.” He couldn’t say any more, flayed nerves throbbing. He hadn’t realised how much he yearned for a name till it was given to him. Even if it was Zoro’s. His wanted poster would never have the word Vinsmoke on, and that was priceless. He turned away. Zoro got the message and left him to his thoughts. He needed to be alone to process the shitshow of a day. He always expected to want retribution if he ever saw his birth family again, the human urge to make them feel as he did, the pain, inferiority, humiliation. But when he’d met his fathers eyes again, he hadn’t. It was like looking at a picture of someone else's father. No emotions were attached to it. He’d been so busy adventuring, deliberately not thinking about it, that he hadn’t realised he’d moved on. He had Zeff as a parent figure, faux siblings like Chopper and Luffy and a whole wider family that loved him. He was complete. The Vinsmokes were an unfortunate past, but they no longer defined him.