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Zone Defense - Standards The objective of zone defense is to prevent an exclusion at center. The transition from press to zone must be quick. Everyone must be in correct body position and constant communication to run an effective zone. comA We must be willing to work extremely hard moving in and out to cover distance both to help on the center and put pressure on the shooters. Correct body position means head in towards the center and feet out either towards your man or towards his shooting lane (your blocking responsibility). When we are moving in and out in our zone blocks your head and body must always follow the ball whether you are going out or returning. You need to be constantly watching the ball, the center and your man to see if he moves to a new shooting lane. 5. Everyone must know all of their blocking angles. It is possible for these angles to change depending if we are in a one man or two man zone and also if the position of the center changes. We must also be ready for the zone to change if the center moves and we must be aware of who our next source of help is. 6. If we are in a one man zone we cannot go out in our block to far and leave the center wide open. We must remain back in our block until the next source has arrived. Also, blocking responsibilities in a one man zone may change so that we can remain in position to protect our defender. (X4 if 4 wide would block cross cage, X2 if 2 wide cross cage). 7. We must remember that a player can make the ball live at 6 meters and advance forward. the next source of help must be ready to help back or stair step over especially at X2/X3/X4. On a corner throw if either X1 or X5 are in a zone we must be ready to help back at all other positions as the ball can become live and the attacking player at pos. 1/5 can advance. 8. When we are in a 2 player or 3 player zone we are moving out while taking our angle and forcing them to give up the ball while our other teammate or teammates in the zone are protecting the center. As soon as the attacker releases the ball we are returning immediately to protect the center (head and body follow the ball). 9. The perimeter defenders must communicate and release each other. We cannot rush out to a shooter if there is not somebody back to protect our defender. 10. Take pride in your blocking. Be a presence in the water. Shooters should be intimidated and uncomfortable. Look for opportunities to knock them down without overextending yourself so that you cannot get back to protect center. In some cases, such as a personnel read, it is ok to stay back with a hand up. When you knock down, be sure to use proper fundamentals: one hand controlling the body and the other mirroring the