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DAY TWO SUNDAY, JUNE 5TH 2) Kelton My dad always told me that there are three types of humans on this planet. First there's the Sheep. The everyday types who live in denial-spoon-fed by the morning news, chewed up by another monotonous workday, and spit back out across the urban streets of the world like a mouthful of funky meatloaf that's been rotting in the back of the fridge. Basically, the Sheep are the defenseless majority who are completely unwilling to acknowledge the inevitability of real danger, and trust the sys- tem to take care of them. Next you've got your Wolves. The bad guys who abide by no societal laws whatsoever but are good at pretending when it suits them. These are the thieves, murderers, rapists, and pol- iticians, who feed on the Sheep until they're thrown in prison, or better yet, belly up in a landfill alongside sheaves of your grandma's itchy hand-knit Christmas socks. The ones you ritu- alistically blow up every year with an M80. And lastly, you have people like us. The McCrackens. The Herders of the world. Sure, our kind may look a lot like Wolves- large fangs, sharp claws, and the capacity for violence-but what sets us apart from the rest is that we represent the balance between the two. We can navigate the flock freely, with the ability to protect or disown as we see fit. My dad says that we're