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Well, I guess I can get Ozempic! I asked this doctor lady if she was familiar with the latest medication that I had read about for diabetics that helped with wt loss… she jumped on it and was ordering it today! And I was like, whoa, no, I’d really need to think about it. Come to find out, they are all the same! So, no, this isn’t a newer one not having bad side effects. It’s called ozempic if it’s for weight loss. It’s called wegovy( and other names)if it’s for diabetes. You still have to eat right and excersize. So, I’m thinking it doesn’t sound good to feel sick all of the time. And why did Sharon Osborn end up looking like a skeleton? I can only find info like 1% of body weight in 4 months is average wt loss. you understand what I’m mumbling about, lol?! If it was significant enough to help me get home quickly then I would think I would need to suffer through all of the common side effects and do it… but, how can you excersize while you feel awful and are throwing up or worse the whole time?? But then, is it worth it because other side effects that are not common but have to do with kidneys, pancreas, gallbladder ( lol) but Dr. Stewart has me afraid of something happening to me and i can’t have any surgery! Ugh. What do you think I should do? Any thoughts on it? The crickets 🦗🦗I swear there were two! They were soooo close! After I put the C pap mask on I figured it was good they couldn’t jump in my mouth! They kept chirping and everytime my hair moved on my cheek or something, I’d jump! lol! They stopped chirping at about 4 I think… but that worried me more, and all day today. Did they leave? Would I open the nightstand drawer and have one jump out and land on me and I’d have to scream at the top of my lungs????? 😂 They are used to screaming here though! The super nice floor buffing guy that has worked here atleast 10 years and loved by all the staff and residents lost it for some reason this morning and punched the hell out of a residents face, sending the guy to the hospital . It was right outside of my doorway and heard it, but didnt see it. Whatever made him snap like that just messed up his life for many years to come! Good grief. So, how can I play music, but not from my phone? Ok, enough rambles for now..