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aug 31, 2023. part 2. 12 discs came in this plastic pack and I usually see 10 in a plastic wrap. I cooked and seasoned the chicken and put the chicken on the discs. I made the empanadas but before I cooked them, I headed out to the same pharmacy I went too yesterday. I was thirsty as fuck !! I only had like $2.50. I walked around some stores closer too the area before finally heading too Walgreens. Their drinks were expensive as fuck !! Over priced and it pist me off a bit !! I couldn’t buy shit, for $2.50 !!! I ended up picking out two arizonas. Mango and the raspberry. So I had to walk too the pharmacy. While online, I asked the guy working there if they have straws and he says they have them around back somewhere. He was pointing toward a section of the store while saying it. I ain't see a plastic straw. I was like, “I gotta pay for a straw ?!”. Like, what type of dumbass shit is this !! How y’all selling straws !! Y’all don’t have plastic fucking straws ?!! That’s fucking reetarded !! And you know pharmacy’s be expensive as fuck. Probably $5 per fucking straw !!! They’re mad greedy !! And I hate greedy people !! I truly do !! Greed is when you have more than enough too survive, but you keep taking from people who don’t have much. Your reason being, is because you want too. So this doesn’t include any fucking inflation or shipping cost !! You got that covered and you get good profit, but still wanna jack the price up too prices that are high off cocaine !! That shit, I hate !! Like, what is your fucking problem !! Too sell straws, instead of having plastic ones for free, is greedy !!! What’s next ?! You're gonna charge too breathe the air within the fucking store !!!? So this dumb fat fuck says this isn’t 7 11 and I snapped at him a bit and said, “I know what this is !!”. Stupid smart Ass !! I should’ve cussed him the fuck out for that !! Fat bitch !! He’s was a fat mother fucka, waiting for a heart attack !!! Fat fucking bitch has issues walking without getting tired. The fucking pizza spot across the god damn street isn’t 7 11 and they had a plastic fuck ass straw !! They have plenty. Imagine being a stupid fat bitch !! Stupid and fat !! He gets zero bitches !! Fuckass idiot !! So I walked across the street and I’ll be leaving this place a very nasty review too. I get across the street and walk into the fucking pizza shop. I see a bunch of fucking straws and I grabbed two fucking straws !! Then I went out the fucking store !! They know how the fuck too do business !!! Stupid dumb fat fuck of a son of bitch !! How about I slap the living shit out this nigga !! Fucking idiot !! I walk back to mom’s place and I cooked the empanadas I had made before leaving. I ended up making 10 as I ran out of meat. I ate 4 empanadas out of the 10. I cut mine in half and put some creamy Italian salad dressing in a small glass bowl. I put a spoon on the side so that I could scoop the salad dressing and pour it into the inside of the empanadas as I eat. I poured my mango arizona into a tall glass with ice. Wine like glass. I also had some tiger sauce to go with the empanadas as well. I poured all my arizonas into one cup. At separate times of course. I filled the cup with ice 2 times, but 4 times with the arizona juices. I started watching the new bird box movie. Bird box Barcelona, which is on Netflix. It’s the second bird box movie and they need to put insidious: the red door on Netflix. Like, come on !!! And the quiet place 2. And I can’t wait to see the Equalizer 3. I started to doze off into sleep while the movie was playing. So I decided to pause it. I covered myself with a white sheet and laid on the couch. Almost immediately after laying down and covering myself, grandma rings the bell to get in. I was annoyed. Like, could I sleep ?!! I answered it and she came on inside. I went back to lay on the couch and she wanted me to look something up on YouTube. I didn’t wanna be bothered. I looked it up for her and she found out she had to pay for the movie she was tryna view. I fell asleep some and lil bro woke me up later. Mom and grandma was in the kitchen and I got up. Mom ended up asking me what I’ma eat for dinner. I said I didn’t know. Like yo, I didn’t think of that. So she acts funny and says, “I guess you’re gonna eat that turkey ground in there”. Like, she said it in a funny tone. A tone I didn’t like. She didn’t say it in an aggressive or angry tone, just in a trying to get under my skin tone. And the turkey ground wasn’t defrosted neither. Plus, lil bro started laughing and asked her why she said it like that. So I knew I wasn’t bugging. And what the fuck is so funny !! Would it be funny if I slam a hard glass cup upside your head ?!! Bet you wouldn’t be laughing then. Mom eventually goes to work and the place was a bit of a mess. Mom also ain’t really have no juice. I saw what looked to be iced tea in some lemonade bottles and wasn’t sure if that was something herbal that’s not for drinking. It was in two simply lemonade bottles. There wasn’t much too eat. Like, I had too scrape for food a bit. So mom being funny, made me somewhat angry ! It had me thinking of sort of a neglectful joking matter or something. Like, I’m the guess. Of course you should take care your parents as you get older, but I’m broke as fuck !!! 22 and fucking broke !! Tryna get my furniture business off the ground. I’m not trying to sound ungrateful ! Grandma had went outside and was talking too lil bro by our sister’s car. I just wanted to go back home. Lil bro was my green light to go and grandma was holding him for me without even knowing it. That was go. So I packed up and headed out and the place was still a bit of a mess. Yeah. Who’s the one laughing now. I also needed too finish up my table so that I could list it onto the market. And I needed to get that pepper gun out the barn. I had sprayed the orange part black, so that I could rob some hookers for money. I walked outside and too the car. Lil bro asks if I’m leaving and I said yeah. I told him I may come back the next day. We head back after grandma says she gotta hurry up and go back inside and that she’ll see us later. On the way home, some dumb fucking car was following us. I had my matches on me too. I took a couple pictures of the car and it eventually fucked off !! Stupid bitchass !! This is why I keep matches on me. So I could light whatever the fuck should be on fire, on fire !! When the idiot fucked off, we headed home. I head to my room and put on the fan. Lil bro was suggesting I cook fish and potatoes for dinner. He was on kitchen duty and so I had the meal. Two fish were in their plastic wrap, defrosting in water. So I took one fish out the freezer and out of it’s plastic and put it in the water. I then put the oven on for potatoes. I went back to my room. At one point, I went to the barn and got the pepper gun out of there. Shit looked real as fuck !! Just like a real gun and I was like, “yeah !”. Anyhow, I made myself some sweet potatoes and made the fish eventually. I had that for dinner. The next day on the 9th, I put some water up to boil for my brush for polyurethane. Pops shut the water off the first time and I put it back on. Like yo, what the fuck !! Then second time, this nigga has lil bro turn it off. I asked who keeps turning off the water !! In an annoyed tone and he said he just had lil bro do it. How about you stop doing that shit !! I know when the fuck to get the water !!! Nigga was pissing me the fuck off !! I shut the shit back on and watched it a bit. I like to see lots of large bubbles boiling before I use boiling water. I use the boiling water too soften the brush !! I eventually use the water, dry off the brush because polyurethane is oil based, and go too the barn. I polished the table. I posted this ryobi battery that I had listed, too another group and put that I need it gone asap, in the title. That usually gets it sold quicker. I later put hundreds of keywords into the description of an end table I had listed, too get it sold faster. I don’t think that makes a difference. It probably has to be where the tags are. And even then, that shit is usually useless when it comes to Facebook. Lil bro later tells me he made fries and chicken breast in a can. The chicken breast in a can comes from BJ’s and is made like how you make tuna fish. With mayonnaise. So yeah. I ate the food lil bro made and put the chicken breast in the can on bread. I also had my sister’s soup she made with the food I had just fixed. Afterwards, I had some progressive New England clam chowder. Later on for dinner, I fried up some chicken wings and cut them in half. I ended up splitting the wings into thirds and using a different sauce for each third, I used the mango habanero sauce, the caribbean jerk and the Thai curry. Pops asked how the reunion was and I just didn’t feel like talking for some reason. I wasn’t in the mood too talk much, I just said it was fine. Pops picked up on it, I could tell and he ended up walking the dog. He came back and said he wanted two salmon fish made for him. I took two fish out the freezer and out of their plastic and put them in water. Some grease ended up spilling on the counter and I had to clean the shit up. I had some grape juice and reheated the oven. Lil bro started making some rice and doing the dishes. I asked my sister for some of her healthy chips and she let me have some. I had too also mop the floor because of the grease spill. Then I had some of her chips. The garden of eatin ones. The Red bag that’s spicy. I started cooking the fish after. Lil bro ended up fucking the rice up. I’ve told our sister for sure how to cook it. Not sure if I told him too. I had some mango habanero and caribbean jerk chicken wings, some chips and a couple glasses of grape juice with ice. I later headed outside to set up a couple extension cords for the barn, as it was nighttime and I needed to use the halogen lamp in the barn.. As I was setting up