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Alicia cautiously stepped through the entrance of the old building, her curiosity piqued by its dilapidated exterior. As she ventured further inside, the air grew musty and thick with anticipation. The building seemed deserted, filled only with remnants of a forgotten past. Alicia wandered through the dimly lit hallways, her footsteps echoing off the decaying walls. She paused in front of a door slightly ajar. The soft glow of a single light beckoned her forward. Pushing the door open gently, she peered inside. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight before her: an old chair with restraints positioned strategically at each corner. It seemed out of place among the debris that littered the room. Curiosity got the better of Alicia as she tentatively approached the chair. She ran her fingers along its worn upholstery, tracing the patterns etched into the fabric. "What was this used for?" she mused aloud to herself. Without thinking, she sat down in the chair and allowed herself to be restrained. As soon as her hands and feet were secured in place, a shiver ran down Alicia's spine. She felt a rush of adrenaline flood her body as though something had been activated. Suddenly, a low whirring noise filled the room, growing louder by the second. Alicia's heart pounded in her chest as she realised that pushing down on one button had locked her into place - but what if there was another? Her eyes darted around frantically until they landed on a small red button nestled against one armrest. With no other option presenting itself, Alicia hesitated for only a moment before leaning over and pressing it firmly. The momentary relief from fear was shattered as mechanical noises emerged from all around Alicia - above her head and behind her back. Panic set in as she watched arms emerge from hidden compartments along with tubes descending from above. Before she could react, the armrests on either side of her shot up, strapping her head in place. Alicia's heart raced as she felt a tube being pressed against her lips. Panic quickly turned to dread as she realised what was happening. The first thought that came to mind was that this must have been a trap - set by someone with malicious intentions. Her fears were confirmed when the tube began pumping a thick liquid into her mouth; it tasted like a milkshake - delicious but overwhelmingly fattening. Alicia desperately tried to resist, straining against the restraints and shaking her head from side to side. But it was futile. The liquid continued to flow, slowly filling her up from the inside out. She moaned helplessly as she felt herself expanding. Her belly pushed out against her yoga pants, soft and squishy under the strain. She clawed at the restraints with pudgy hands, each movement becoming slower and more laboured. The milkshake continued its relentless assault on Alicia's body. Her once-toned figure was rapidly transforming before her eyes. Her yoga pants slipped down over her plump ass, revealing a bright red thong that dug into her expanding hips. Her boobs grew beyond the confines of their bra before spilling out over the top of her blue tank top. She could only watch in horror as they swelled exponentially, sensitive and engorged with every passing second. As if sensing her distress, the arms emerged once again, this time from behind Alicia's chair. They playfully squeezed and kneaded at her ever-expanding ass cheeks while another set of arms gently caressed and massaged her distended belly. Alicia couldn't help but let out a moan as waves of pleasure washed over her despite the overwhelming discomfort. She felt like such a helpless piggy as she succumbed to both pain and pleasure in equal measure. Just when Alicia thought she couldn't take any more, the chair beneath her began to shift and adjust. It contorted to accommodate her rapidly increasing size, allowing her to sink further into its embrace. The milkshake continued to flow, filling Alicia until she reached her breaking point. She let out a loud hiccup as she teetered on the edge of surrender, her once-fearful plea for it to stop morphing into a desperate acknowledgement that this is what she truly craved. "Never mind, keep going," she moaned breathlessly. "I love being chubby." With those words, Alicia surrendered fully to the sensations consuming her. Finally, the whirring of machinery ceased. She was filled with an overwhelming sense of both relief and apprehension as she wondered what would happen next. The arms that had been so skillfully teasing and pleasuring Alicia now stayed still, almost as if they were waiting for something. Then, without warning, they sprang into action once again - but instead of causing pleasure or discomfort, they simply offered affection. One pair of arms gently cupped and squeezed Alicia's ass cheeks before giving them a playful slap. Another set traced delicate patterns across her now-massive belly while yet another ran fingers through her hair in a soothing manner. Alicia lay in the chair, swollen and immobile but contentedly purring like a well-fed kitten. She had no idea how much time had passed; all she knew was the blissful sensation of being cared for. In that moment, none of the fears or doubts that plagued Alicia mattered anymore. All that remained was an unshakeable certainty: whatever this place was - whoever set this trap - it seemed like destiny had led her here for a reason. Alicia's eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dim light of the room. She felt a gentle hand stroking her hair, and a soft voice whispered soothingly in her ear. "You're safe now, little one. No one will hurt you." She turned her head to see a figure sitting in the shadows. As her eyes adjusted, she recognized the woman from her visions. The same woman who had been in the chair when she first arrived. "Who are you?" Alicia croaked, her throat dry. The woman smiled, her eyes glinting with an otherworldly light. "You can call me Mother. I've been waiting for you, Alicia."