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The Collaborative intervention for Gertie at the hospital was a referral to a nutritionist. The nurse referred Gertie to a nutritionist because the patient had poor nutrition and pressure injuries from stage 1 to stage 4. Part of the dietitian's job is to conduct a nutritional audit that assesses, makes decisions, intervenes, and plans monitoring and evaluation. A nutritionist analyses and identifies patients during referral to develop and implement interventions tailored to each individual patient. The nutritionist creates a care plan based on the evidence gathered from the initial nutritional assessment, as well as objective data from nurses, physical therapists and doctors. Skin integrity is important for the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries. The body needs an adequate amount of protein for the growth and maintenance of cells and for the regeneration and synthesis of enzymes (Munoz et al., 2020). When the body has a lack of carbohydrates and fats, the body synthesizes glucose from noncarbohydrates such as protein, which causes degrading protein and causes the tissue muscles in the skeletal system broken down to provide amino acids for formation of glucose molecules. The loss of protein reduces the efficiency of wound healing and reduces the overall integrity of the body's skin because pressure injuries take longer to heal and cause more damage to the injured area, or spread to the skeletal system, changing from stage 3 to stage 4. Nurses use interventions to prevent and manage health challenges for their patients. A static air mattress conforms to body shapes to distribute the patient's weight over a larger area. This cover has many chambers that allow the air to spread over a large area when the person lies on the bed. The air mattress reduces the pressure on the leg ridges, reduces capillary collapse, and ultimately, reduces tissue necrosis, cell damage and ischemia for the patient. Dietitian Gertie analyses and identifies excess nutrition to develop and implement tailored interventions. The nutritionist creates a care plan based on the evidence gathered from the initial nutritional assessment, as well as objective data from nurses, physical therapists and doctors. A nutritionist's priority for Gertie is to make sure she eats the right food to keep her skin healthy. To improve the integrity of the skin and heal wounds, the body needs a lot of protein for cell growth and maintenance and repair and synthesis of enzymes. When Gertie eats enough protein, carbohydrates and fat, skin integrity is maintained and improved, helping to prevent and reduce other damage caused by stress. Food promotes wound healing for pressure injuries. The nursing invention of air mattress with the collaborative intervention of the dietitian for Gertie ensures that the pathophysiology are address. The air mattress ensures that the pressure injuries do not deteriorate anymore into other stages and no further pressure injuries develop during the hospital administration period. While the dietitian ensuring that Gertie receives a nutritional diet that is high in carbohydrates and protein, to promote skin integrity and wound healing for the pressure injuries and prevent any further tears. Pressure injuries are localised damage to the skin and underlying tissues caused by sustained pressure on bony areas. Key risk factors include mechanical pressure, extrinsic factors, and nutritional status. Pressure Injury Stages and Management: 1. Stage 1: Non-blanchable redness on intact skin. 2. Stage 2: Partial-thickness loss with a red, moist wound. 3. Stage 3: Full-thickness loss with visible adipose but no exposed muscle or bone. 4. Stage 4: Extensive damage with possible exposure of muscle or bone. 5. Unstageable: Full-thickness injury obscured by slough or eschar, requiring debridement by a surgical team for proper assessment. To prevent and manage pressure injuries for Gertie, using a static air mattress can be highly effective. This mattress adapts to the body's contours, redistributing weight and reducing pressure on bony prominences. The static air mattress consists of multiple air compartments, which helps disperse pressure across a larger area, reducing the risk of ulcers. The nursing invention of air mattress with the collaborative intervention of the dietitian for Gertie ensures that the pathophysiology are address. The air mattress ensures that the pressure injuries do not deteriorate anymore into other stages and no further pressure injuries develop during the hospital administration period. While the dietitian ensures that Gertie receives a nutritional diet that is high in carbohydrates and protein, to promote skin integrity and wound healing for the pressure injuries and prevent any further tears.