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Text Content or SSML code:
<speak>You can choose to withhold federal and state taxes from your Required Minimum Distribution at various rates. The default federal withholding rate is 10%, but you can adjust it based on your tax situation.<break time="300ms"></break>Did that answer your question?<break time="1000ms"></break>To calculate your RMD, first determine your account balance as of December 31st of the previous year. Now, find your life expectancy factor from IRS Publication 590-B. Divide your account balance by this factor. <breaktime="300ms"></break>Would you like me to send you a link where you can learn more? <break time="600ms"></break>Ok, I’m sending you a text link now. You’ll get a text to your number on file. <breaktime="600ms"></break>Is there anything else I can help you with today? </speak>