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PART 1 - LISTENING. Directions for items 1 through 25. You will hear questions on the quiz tape. Select the one item----- a, b, c, or d which answers the question correctly, and mark your answer. George has many photographs of jets. What does he have pictures of? The weatherman said that there was a very good chance that it would rain. What did he say? Alan gave many wrong answers. Why did he do this? The teacher got very angry. Why did he get angry? Ted finally arrived at the party very late. Did Ted get to the party? Helen couldn’t find the article in the third column. What was Helen doing? The student fell asleep because he was so tired. What did the student do? Alan forgot to do the assignment. What happened? As it was hot, George said he preferred to go to the beach. What did he say? The students were so tired that they decided to turn in. What did they do? The teacher asked the class for the average of the three numbers. What did he want? The thunderstorm was so severe that the plane couldn’t take off. What kind of storm was it? The place where a river starts is called the source. What is the source of a river? Alan prefers to live in big towns. Where does Alan prefer to live? The sun was shining brightly when George arrived. How was the weather? Ted went to cash a money order. Why did he do this? The mechanic was looking under the hood of the car. Why was he doing this? It was so nippy that John had to put his overcoat on. Why did John put his overcoat on? The teacher asked the students which country they came from. What did the teacher want to know? John bought red paper to cover the package. Why did he buy the red paper? The teacher distributed books to all the classes. What did the teacher do? John didn’t want to be disturbed. What did he say? The students found the quiz very simple. How did they find the quiz? John had to go to the bank because he did not have sufficient money. Why did John go to the bank? Alan is in bed with a fever. What is wrong with Alan? Directions for items 26 through 45. You will hear statements on the quiz tape. Select the item ---- a, b, c, or d which comes closest in meaning to the statement you hear, and mark your answer. Sam is the only child in his family. Wet wood is not very flammable. Ted didn’t complete his assignment. That brown dog doesn’t bite, so it is completely harmless. Children get their food and clothes from their parents. John had to travel a greater distance than he had expected. John had had enough to eat. These words were not familiar to the class. The mechanic repaired the broken wheel. George said he didn’t like flying in fast jets. It generally rains at the end of the year. Susan bought the book at the supermarket. Alan was formerly a teacher, but now he works in a bank. Gasoline is one of the most important forms of energy. The weatherman said rain would come after the period of heat. When they arrived at the hotel, they felt very hungry. He got over his illness and went back to work. Today is Tuesday. I’m expecting John to come tomorrow. John has two lessons three times a week. Electricity has made housework easier. Directions for questions 46 through 50.You will hear dialogs on the quiz tape. Select the one item----- a, b, c, or d which correctly answers the question, and mark your answer Person A: “John got in touch with me yesterday.” Person B: “I’m glad to hear that.” What did John do? Person A: “Did you know that George has moved house?” Person B: “Yes, he didn’t like the tall buildings near his old one.” Why did George move house? Person A: “Did John try to help you to decide?” Person B: “Yes, he had a lot of ideas.” What did John do? Person A: “Did the doctor take long to come?” Person B: “No, he came immediately.” What did they say about the doctor? Person A: “Alan was very late!” Person B: “Yes, I told him not to hurry.” Why was Alan late? This is the end of the listening part of the test.