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{atinosin the Garage » another rock en espafol band's music provided the soundtrack for Coors Light beer commercials during Monday Night Football broadcasts, and stil others as background music for Levis jeans commercials aired during the Super Bowl and 'otherwise regularly on television. In 2001, The Tonight Show host Jay Leno hosted Los Aterciopelados a rock band from Colombia that became wildly popular 'throughout the world inthe 1990s and continues to produce some ofthe most |ighly regarded rock en espanol and Latin alternative music inthe 2000s. By the eatly to mid 2000s, Colombian pop-rock star Shakira cou be seen in as many Pepsi commercials as MTV music videos, and was being touted by the muse Industry as the next Madonna' Mos recently, the Colombian pop-rock tar Juanes was featured artista the 2009 NBA All-Star game, Asa result ofthese and other cultural shifts such 2s 2000 US Census data revealing the emergence of Latinos! Hispanics asthe largest minority group inthe US, contemporary Latno'as are 'opening up new areas increasingly worthy of scholarly investigation, 'Worth noting is the fact that although the latest US Census revealed that Latino/as ae now the largest minority group, the news came on the heels of decade of controversy for Latino/as. From legacies of racism and ethnocentrism to controversial proposals in the 19908 like Californias Proposition 187 (which sought to eliminate social services for undocumented immigrants based on their undocumented status) from complicate social issues like affirmative action to hneated English-only' debates, from increasing immigration from Latin America to rampant xenophobia and antiforeigner sentiment after September 11, 2001, and most recently from increased visibility in popular culture to the increase in hate crimes against Latino/as, the rising tide ofthe Latina demographic in the [US must be further contextualized through discussing complex socal issues. In other words, correlate can be proposed here that while scholars recognize that Latino/as are now more visible than ever in mainstream American culture, the supposed emergence of Latino/a in popular musician issue that provides insight {nto contemporary issues in polis and relevant societal questions and, as Targue here, provides further insight into questions of cultural identity 'All of this establishes the rationale for tis research and the questions that follow: What ese ean be gleaned from the notable presence of Latinofas in US popular culture? Can Latino/as in popular music aid better understanding of Latino/as, Latino identity, of, perhaps, the complications of Latino/s identity discourse(s" In shor, one ofthe alms ofthis chapter isto reiterate the fact that popular music should not be dismissed as just popular music but i, in fat, an {important cultural site of discourse, debate, and conflict, Thus, a premise of 'this chapters that some of the tensions and complications of Latinola identity ae articulated in media and popular culture. At the same time, some further