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Today, it seems like a common sense for scientists using rat to do experiments and for young medicals to anatomy breathing frogs. Personally, I do know the necessary of animals experiments, but it is also important to stand in animals’ perspectives to understand what is their value of death. In Donna J. Haraway’s (American Professor Emerita in the History of Consciousness Department and Feminist StudiesDepartment at the University of California, Santa Cruz, United States) book When Species Meet, Haraway focuses on how to compassionate in the space of the laboratory, with particular emphasis on the place of animals test subjects. After the experiment, those dead animals become ‘logic of sacrifice’ and their deaths can only be made the subject of calculations instead of living species, which is cruel and disrespect for life. In 25 Apr 2012, a young artist Jacqueline Traide did a performance aiming to draw attention to the cruelty of animal testing. During this performance, she went through a series of animal tests, including forced feeding, eye irritation test, and two (saline) injections, for around 10 hours but no "real" pain. When I watch this performance from the video, I did feel uncomfortable and cruel. However, the main reason is that as a human, in my common sense, when I am watching my own-kind being abused, I believe it is unacceptable from both law and moral. But if the same things happened on animals, personally I feel less guilty and numb also base on my common sense. Although we are saying all life is as precious, it is still difficult for us to compare the others’ life than ours. In my opinion, Jacqueline Traide’s performance did bring a perspective from test subject animals to show how painful the animals experiment is but cannot let people really empathize with those animals because people might put more sympathy on the artist herself due to being human.