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First discovered in 1947 named after the Zika Forest and eventually reaching its first human cases in 1952 as outbreaks spread through tropical Africa,South-east Asia and the Pacific Islands. Zika is an arbovirus transported by a certain vector called the ‘Aedes’ mosquito found in tropical areas, Aedes mosquitoes are attracted to the chemical compounds of the epidermis that if they happened to be carryIng the virus their bite begins to infect the dermis and blood vessels allowing the virus to starts multiplying and reproducing inside the host this process is carried out by the override of the neutrophil as ZIKV has a similar single-stranded RNA much like our own MRNA which allows it to be translated as a protein and spreads rapidly through the body. Adapted to the human host the virus can infect following non-infected vectors allowing horizontal transmission and vertical transmission to an unexpected host. Lasting a maximum of 1 week after infection ,Zika virus can then found in the blood and transmitted to other organisms. Even though the virus only infects 1 in 5 people and is known that some hosts won’t even notice a change or response before being tested positive for the virus ZIKV also attacks the prenatal formation causing abnormal defects of a foetus skull size whilst in the womb ,with a percent of 5-10% of Zika-associated pregnancy having a birth defects whilst Symptoms include mild fever and skin rash but some hosts experience muscle and joint pain , headaches and redness of eyes, considering cases of birth defects and related deaths associate with Zika virus it has an estimated case fatality rate of 8.3%. Zika continues to spread as a medicine or vaccine don’t exist with recommendations if you do contract the virus to drink fluids to prevent dehydration ,take medicine to reduce fever and pain and get plenty of rest as said by betterhealth Victoria “ Zika virus is usually relatively mild” With prevention strategies such as staying in places with air conditioning ,window screens and door screen and insect repellent or simply staying at home instead of travelling to infected areas is a smarter idea using these could be effective for the now and the future of stopping this virus and introducing vector control Meanwhile during 2016 cases dropped dramatically in South America, the Caribbean and Central America from a height of 36,000 peaking in January to comparison of November - December with lower than 5,000 cases this could be due to built up immunity of the body against the virus with this information The future evolves from the fact of how our World Health Organisation research and analyse the combined patient data and biological samples of individual studies of people with immunity build to produce lasting affects bringing forward a vaccine rather then an antihistamine or fever reducing pill.