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The node Instances is a list of several sections Instance, and in each section Instance, you can configure all the relevant parameters for the connection to an Altitude uCI Server, as follows: Altitude uCI Server: Enter the IP address and port of the Altitude u C I Server. For example, u c I server, colon, 1 5 0 0. In Username and Password, Enter the user name and password to login to the Altitude uCI Server. Please note that The user must have the role Administrator. The next parameters in the node Instance are related to plugins. In Services List, enter All to extract information from all Altitude uCI Server services, or enter the list of names of services to extract information, separated by a semicolon. In Days To Keep, enter the Number of days to keep the report. The Fetch All Contacts parameter Displays whether to fetch all contacts, and it is set as true or false. Finally, the Fetch Days Ago Contacts parameter is the number of days to extract data before the start time of the Reporting database Windows service. After running the Reporting database installer, the configuration file contains the parameters for one Altitude uCI Server. To configure another Altitude uCI Server, Copy the section Instance, change the parameter values, and restart the Reporting database Windows service.