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The node MS S Q L Replication contains the parameters for the database replication. All these parameters are set when you install the Reporting Database. We are presenting them here so that, if you need to change them, you know where to change their values. They are divided into the publisher, subscriber, and the three agents: log reader, snapshot, and distributor. For the publisher, you configure the hostname of the server that has the S Q L Server with the Altitude uCI Server database, the username and password to access that database, and the database name. The user that you specify must have the sys admin server role. The Publication DB is the Altitude uCI Server database. The subscriber configuration is similar. Configure the hostname of the server that has the replication database, the username and password to access that database, and the database name. As in the publisher, The user that you specify must have the sys admin server role. The subscription DB is the name of the replication database. For the agents, configure the user names and passwords of the Windows accounts in the publisher server under which the agents run.