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Text Content or SSML code:
The node tracer of as Tools configures the Reporting database Windows service logs as follows: Enabled: If true, enables the trace files. Trace File: is the Path of the trace file. By default, the trace file is set to a subfolder of the Program data folder. Trace Level: the Maximum level of information to write to the trace file. The trace levels are: Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Info, or Debug, and The default value is Info. Max Stack Depth is the Maximum stack depth to write to the trace file. A higher number means more information will be writtern. The default value is 100. Max Bytes: Maximum size of a trace file. The tracer starts a new trace file when it reaches the maximum size. The default is 10MB. Old trace files are kept until the number of traces files reaches the max Files parameter. The maxFiles parameter is the Maximum number of compressed trace files to keep, and The default value is 30. Compress is a flag that, If set to true, compresses the old traces to save disk space. The default value is false.